Motivate your teams!

One of the greatest ways to motivate and reward your team or your customers is to organize an incentive day event or multi-day incentive trip. At Estérel Aventures, we are delighted to support you in finding the best solutions to re-energize your group and boost cohesion.
Whether the focus of your activities is excitement, relaxation or discovery in the Provençal region, our expert team of “enthusiasm distillers” can suggest suitable options. Drawing on our years of experience and local “insider” knowledge, we can offer you incentive events at gorgeous beaches and other exclusive sites in the world-renowned cities of Provence Côte d’Azur including Monaco, Nice, Cannes, Toulon, Ai-en-Provence, Marseille and Arles.

For more information, contact us  !

Provence-theme programs

If you are looking for authentic activities highlighting Provençal culture, you have come to the right place! Listed below, are programs promoting the local cuisine and the sweet aromas of our region with an emphasis on the relaxed lifestyle of the South.

Unique Incentive Discoveries ertes insolites

Leave your collaborators and clients speechless with our out-of-the-ordinary rides. Our fleet of fun, unique vehicles will allow you to discover new scenery by land or sea. They’re perfect for exploring spectacular landscapes while sharing an amazing day together. You can choose from buggies, mini mokes, or inflatable canoes but regardless, this unique incentive activity will be unforgettable.

Conviviality and relaxation étente et convivialité

For your next corporate event, you can make it a relaxing family-friendly occasion at a beautiful location where guests choose activities “à la carte”.

A question ? A project ?

You have a question ? Do not hesitate to consult our FAQ, your answer may already be there.
Do you have a professional event project? Discover our offers and themes or contact us for a proposal.

Discover also

Vous avez élu la destination de votre prochain événement d’entreprise et vous recherchez l’inspiration pour trouver l’activité à réaliser en groupe offrant un superbe moment de détente. Découvrez nos articles par ville pour vous y aider !

Partagez un bon moment, vibrez ensemble. C’est autour de nos animations de soirée et jeux thématiques que vos collaborateurs passeront des moment inoubliables et se détendront dans la bonne humeur.

Étonnez, récompensez vos clients et collaborateurs lors d’une balade originale. Sur terre ou en mer, découvrez nos parcours à bord de moyens de locomotion ludiques et insolites.

Motivez vos équipes lors de votre prochain séminaire, renforcez la cohésion d’équipe autour de challenges. Entre défis urbains, en pleine nature ou dans un objectif RSE, c’est à vous de choisir.